
Local Cops Installing Tech That'll Spy on Our Conversations 50 Feet Away!!

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This is nothing new you can look it up theres a private company that the police are partnered with I forgot the name I have it somewhere this company sends people to put random miniature microphones in random locations all over the US. Theres a website that has a graph giving you geolocations of the mics which if you saw it most of the east side is pretty much 99.9% completely covered in microphone drops where the middle & west cost have about somewhere between 40-78% of their states covered. These mics automatically ping on when theu detect certain noises like screams or a gunshot to send the location to the closest precinct avaliable. It's invasion unethical & government approved because it's a government contracted security company.

I'll try to find the link for you to show you the map of mic locations.


I've heard of this program called "Shot Spotter". They use it in gang infested neighborhoods to determine where gunfire is happening, so they can dispatch police.
This is Mass Survelence. They already had our cellphone data over but that requires a warrant. This is the police openly tracking movement of ALL vehicles through "checkpoints".

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