What was the injury? It's hard to know the case without details.
What if he was offended by a mean tweet from Alex Jones?

@Zeb lol... He indirectly said the Uber driver sustained a gunshot wound.

Thanks, fair enough.
My guess he probably left the room because he realized not only nobody cared he was shot at all but also society saw him as underserving of compensation because of his job. A though pill to swallow.
If he was a black thug, he would have gotten at least a few million, like that nigger who hate hoaxed tesla.

@Zeb Well, idk if he was a thug but I was thinking your second point. He was probably Black and trying to play the "race card". I do not think a Black would feel sufficient shame to get up and leave the room though. He would just assume everyone in the room was racist and file a lawsuit against the lawyer making the video. I was drawing attention to the point that there is honest when people don't know who or what you are and it is important to not talk openly about it.

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