How many Lifetimes would I need to acquire Wealth like this.
And she did this through dishonestyand deception while ignoring the needs of constituents and being a DEI hire.

She will ne the next "Nancy Pelosi"

@sardonicsmile remenber that she was made. It is no secret she answered an ad and was made into a political puppet.

@Justicar Yes. She was made. Nevertheless she has ignored the needs of her constituents and is part of the American Elite class.
She is a liar and a fraud.
I will work my entire life and still not be able to retire. She did it in her 30s.

@sardonicsmile A friend of mine worked at nuclear power plants all over europe and is stuck in job he no longer likes. I found china is building 30 reactors and russia 10. I suggested he move east and secure himself a lifelong career but he does not want to. Point is, there is money to be made but people are usually their own enemies due to comfort and lazyness


@Justicar Who wants to move to China? China is the enemy of the world when it comes to free markets and Freedom.

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