You know ... Brother Elon is the worlds largest defense contractor, he's made an insane deal with China to be their largest EV manufacturer, he wants a CCP style WeChat/EverythingApp for the US, he's launched spy satellites for Israel, he put brain chips in a dozen monkeys who all died trying to rip the implants out, he has lobbied for very unsafe cars that burn people alive every year ...

I'm not defending health insurance. I know peoples' premiums paid my rent and food for the two and a half years I was writing software in that industry. But at the same time, it's just one dude, playing within the rules of the system. Someone shoots and murders Musk and I guarantee half the people praising this guy's death would be scream and mourning about their lord and savior Elon.

Murder is wrong. It doesn't matter who you are. Praising this shit is as retarded as praising "Uncle Ted" or that batshit insane Killdozer guy (who almost murdered a room full of primary school children if it wasn't for the police in that town).
@sardonicsmile @djsumdog Though my real answer would be "whenever I feel like it is", I can also make an ethical case for it where it can serve to improve the world if the target is a pedo, huckster or health insurance fraud etc.
This is both from removing them from society, and disincentivising likeminded people from doing the same.

@Cyrillic @djsumdog

Being ruled by your feelings. I pity you...

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@sardonicsmile @djsumdog retard, you're ruled by someone else's feelings which is pathetic through and through.

I, on the other hand, have no moral yoke.
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