science fiction setting
>Earth is called Terra or Gaia
>Solar system is called Sol
>Good guy faction is called "The alliance" bad guy faction is called "The Empire"
>the alliance planet looks like Santa Barbara California
>The Empire planet looks like commie blocks
>Money is called credits

@dcc @MK2boogaloo @sysrq

What if they just made up those names as a joke

And they know that anyone who questions those names will be called a hater of Asian people

I am not saying that the event never happened and nobody died

I am just saying that just because the news said an event happened does not mean it really happened

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@shortstories @MK2boogaloo @sysrq You do know what happened right? some one did a little trolling and changed the names to joke ones.
@shortstories @dcc @MK2boogaloo @sysrq It was an Onion article that someone at a normal news channel ran as if it was a real story and they got BTFO over it.
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