You can not have freedom of religion when the "Jewish" religion outlaws all other religions with the death penalty and enslaves all people who do not pass their test of "Jewish" ancestry ( even though Ashkenazi Jews have a counterfeit exaggerated proportion of Jewish ancestry )
The closest you can have to freedom of religion is outlawing religions like Judaism
And then letting people choose among the remaining religions that allow freedom and do not try to enslave people based on ancestry
@shortstories do they?
I've seen Orthodox Israelis spit on christians
They hate Christians above all other groups because prophets in the old testament and Jesus in the new testament noticed and pointed out the bad behavior of Jewish clergy and political leaders. By clergy I do not mean prophets
Because of the word limit there is too much text too prove my point about Jews executing people for practicing other religions most especially Christianity
Extensive quotations are taken from Rabbis and Jewish books
I have checked numerous Talmud quotations from this website and found them on Jewish websites saying essentially the same thing in English
For a more specific article
New America
1. America's New Government Church
Come-and-hear dot com
Long list of articles quoting Jewish religious scriptures and how they describe to treat people who are not Jewish either religiously or by ancestry
And Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews generally do not practice the old testament and do not have as much percent ancestry from people from the ancient land of Israel / Palestine as Egyptians, Syrians, Palestinians, Jordanians and Lebanese People