@Zeb won't people just game the system and get "paper married"? IDK seems weird to me.

@BowsacNoodle @Zeb

IDIOCRACY Opening Scene (2006) Mike Judge

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I am not saying there should be a math death squad ( mds ) but a mds
would help prevent the idiocracy this would cause


public schools = Bachelors tax

But a official overt bachelor tax will result in State sponsored natural selection of the parasite economic class who tax the working class resulting in a faster pace towards idiocracy

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@shortstories @BowsacNoodle @Zeb I think the people we'd be afraid of reproducing don't even pay enough attention to things like taxes, while industrious whites (if gentile lawmakers are involved) will be more able to make a woman obey her personal self interest for a change by telling her "by the way, I'm basically free money for shoes."
@porkcow @Zeb @shortstories Carrots work better than sticks. Trouble is getting people to recognize a carrot.
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