Blud has never heard of Enannatum I, a jew who led a Sumerian city state called Lagash into moral destruction and economic debt

This happened in the 3rd Millennium BC

They've been doing this for thousands of years


@AndkonsReich @BowsacNoodle

Eannatum made Umma a tributary, where every person had to pay a certain amount of grain into the treasury of the goddess Nina and the god Ingurisa

New Living Translation
Why should we die before your very eyes? Buy us and our land in exchange for food; we offer our land and ourselves as slaves for Pharaoh. Just give us grain so we may live and not die, and so the land does not become empty and desolate.”

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@AndkonsReich @BowsacNoodle

Jews do not have a secret conspiracy to enslave gentiles and exterminate christians the conspiracy is public shared by Jews they just punish gentiles for pointing out what they publicly do in a not so secretive manner

I am not talking about all people of Jewish ancestry just those who practice the religion which is most of them, even the reform, secular and humanistic practice the religion of publicly hating white people they label as gentiles

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