
If it is the back of the heel that might be the achilles tendon but I would guess and I could be wrong that if it is at the bottom of the heel and not the back of the heel thrn it is more likely to be something else

This guess is based on the location of where the tendon attaches

This is not medical advice nor diagnosis

@shortstories >This is not medical advice nor diagnoses
But I love getting diagnosis and advice from online strangers, specially if is dangerous misinformation :catnoearscrown:
@Rwoeidk @shortstories Listen fat, take off your shoe and put your arch on a tennis ball, water bottle (full/sealed), golf ball, or something else that's going to hold up. Even the edge of a stair or table or desk can work. Lean into it good and roll around. If it hurts real good, then suddenly feels amazing when you take your foot off, it's plantar fasciitis. Stretches and it'll heal up properly in a month.
@Rwoeidk @shortstories Hey for real, that's actually good advice and you should try it. Plantar fasciitis has nothing to do with being fat.

@BowsacNoodle @Rwoeidk

Being obese may increase the risk of both plantar fasciitis and achiles tendon injuries and a wide variety of other foot, ankle and knee health problems

The extra weight increases the force or pressure on the tissue when walking or standing or when doing certain other activities

And you do not know whether or not some stranger on the internet is obese

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@shortstories @BowsacNoodle I might follow it, another time. This time I'm going to do some squats, the pain will either go away or get worse, will see :catnoearscrown:
@Rwoeidk @shortstories Yeah you should do it first. Squatting with heavy weights is what caused mine. If you have a high arch you're more prone to it. It takes seconds to diagnose it too. just take off a shoe and press on the space in the arch and up to the heal. If it's super tender, press harder and hold for 5s. It should feel amazing when you release. Sometimes I will stand in shoes on a corner of a stair and just stretch my arch for a second.
@Rwoeidk @shortstories Make sure you're getting all the areas. I find it helpful to step on a ball (tennis, lacrosse, baseball).
@Rwoeidk @DEERBLOOD @BowsacNoodle @shortstories For the love of god dont post the dissected foot pic showing the tendons on the side of the heel
@DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk @shortstories I hate feet. My wife will vouch for how much I hate feet. But I will help bros out because foot pain sucks. fun fact to any White people who want to become a doctor: podiatrists are a job that few want because feet are gross and so they'll pay pretty well and they are way easier to get into for med school.
@BowsacNoodle @shortstories @DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk thanks for helping young huwhite men get their foot in the door to a great career
@kf01 @shortstories @DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk With the number of zoomie zooms with foot fetishes, I bet some of them would love that job. Bonus if they like GILFs since it's mostly olds that go to foot docs.
@BowsacNoodle @kf01 @shortstories @Rwoeidk Help I'm A Young Podiatrist And I Got Iseakai'd Into A World Of Anime Elf Girls With Lots Of Foot Problems

That's the name of the manga I'd write if I wanted to prey on those men and take their meager earnings
@DEERBLOOD @shortstories @BowsacNoodle @Rwoeidk
Rearry good thinking gaijin san
Whitu piggu pay berry handsomrery for cahtoon
@BowsacNoodle @Rwoeidk @shortstories I thought I heard they don't make a ton but I could be mistaken. Maybe it's hand doctors I'm thinking of. Maybe I'm all fucked up
Be a GP. You get paid a few hundred grand to tell people to stop smoking and drinking, to eat better, and to work out. When something is actually wrong, you refer them out. The malpractice risk is low, and you don't have to actually do much but field balls.
@Humpleupagus @shortstories @BowsacNoodle @Rwoeidk My gf is an internal med resident but she's considering doing a fellowship in critical pulminology. I'm not exactly trying to talk her out of it, but I'm not convinced her heart is really in it
@Humpleupagus @shortstories @DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk GP has some of the highest malpractice costs in some states. Midwest for example, aka areas with lots of Wypipo.
@DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk @shortstories forbes.com/sites/andrewdepietro/2020/01/15/podiatrist-salary-state/?sh=5557c45971f4
The lowest annual salary was 95k in 2020. It's a med school that will accept a White person and it's in demand field. You can branch off and go surgical if you want big bucks down the line. Aging population means more demand in future too. NICE areas to live like WV are substantially higher than that and have low cost of living.
@DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk @shortstories Okay that's the lowest average state. Look at WV for double that and low cost of living. Also look at cost to attend med school and acceptance rate, especially for Whites.
@BowsacNoodle @Rwoeidk @shortstories Since it's a specialty that means a fellowship, which is like a residency after residency so they don't really start earning much until they're almost 40 years old

I'm not saying White people shouldn't do it, but investing that much time into a specialty to earn much less than other specialists is probably worthy of consideration

EDIT: this piece was wrong. It only has the standard 3 yr residency requirement

Also my gf's medical program is probanly like 2/3 White. They're still letting us become Doctors

@DEERBLOOD @BowsacNoodle @Rwoeidk @shortstories because they’re all fucking 60+ and dying. they don’t want doctor tongue click and doctor jungle aids to run their medical chart through chat gpt to come up with an inaccurate lupus diagnosis when they’re dying of something totally different

@DEERBLOOD @BowsacNoodle @Rwoeidk @shortstories Also there’s so much regulation and monitoring in the medical fields that if you step even a toe out of line they can wield the power of Credentialism And licensure at you to make it so you never work in the field again and if you do your life is much harder. Also you get to keep all of the debt

@DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk @shortstories Podiatrist is it's own medschool program so it's 3 or 4 years + 3 years of residency. You can be practicing and earning full dollars before 30.

in 2017, 57% of podiatrists had salaries between $100,000 and $250,000, and a quarter of podiatrists had salaries of $250,000 or higher. Podiatrists say it's possible to pursue this career path without working exceptionally long hours, making this one type of health care job that facilitates work-life balance.

@BowsacNoodle @shortstories @DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk alright stop telling us to work with feet.
, you're weirding me out
@kf01 @shortstories @DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk Hey as many of n'all yibbas post feet pics all day I thought at least a few would like the idea.
@marine @BowsacNoodle @DEERBLOOD @Rwoeidk @shortstories trust me it's about proportion just trust the process I know what I'm asking for.
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