They started pushing Windows 11 right after the Stockholm Syndrome finally set in for Windows 10. God, I fucking hate Microsoft.
Windows 10 is the last Windows, they said. It's a rolling release, they said
psh bill retired long ago, he's hurting us with genetically modified mosquito and fake fruit peels
Is Steve Balmer dead or just super retired?
Steve Ballmer's alive and raking in a billion a year in MSFT dividends.

@olmitch @Awoo @Hoss

Steve Balmer Should have been an actor for Saturday Night Live

I almost said Haiku but it has Wayland and shit now hahaha

@olmitch @Awoo @Eiswald @Hoss

If you get chromebook it is missing a lot of programs and features that windows and apple products have so it runs a lot faster but it still has a real keyboard with actual keys unlike a smart phone but the keyboard and mouse are not as good and it has no cd or dvd player

You can keep your old microsoft or apple computer to watch DVD movies

@shortstories @olmitch @Awoo @Hoss Now you guys have gotten me thinking about a fully functional replacements/alternatives to windows without the extreme over bloat that came post the 7/XP/8 era.

I haven't updated my hardware in over a decade expect to add an SSD. Not particularly fond of this streetshitter bloatware monstrosity using 1-2 3rds of my fucking RAM and CPU just to function.

Note that I'm basically software illiterate, I'm a more tactile techie, love me hardware, know about as much as I need to make it all work and keep it at optimal performance.

Updated to 10 just to be able to play Elden Ring. Fun game but I regret everything.

@Eiswald @Awoo @Hoss @olmitch

The reason I like chromebook is less features means less feature updates and less software bloat than microsoft windows but I do not know if that will be true for future editions

I am not familiar with apple products or linux

So you do not need much software knowledge to learn it

Lots of instructions online

Biggest problem is the mouse does not allow easy right clicking

Keyboard is missing keys like caps lock and I do not like the keyboard as much

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