If you were or are a parent of both boys and girls then
Which would you rather babysit your children?
Roman Catholic Priest
Jewish Rabbi
Muslim Clergy Person
Person who admits they are a minor attracted person / non offending pedophile but has never been arrested for anything including sex crimes and claims they intend not to commit sex offenses who is not a Jew nor Muslim nor Roman Catholic
@shortstories Why you leave Pagans behind they have their own set of values distint from monoteist religions
Muslims are included because zionists accuse them of taking child brides while ignoring Jewish texts that endorse younger child brides
Roman Catholics are included because the media that claims about itself to having Jewish owners accuses Roman Catholic Priests of sex scandals
Why should Pagans be included? Is there a alleged Pagan scandal?
Whoever gets the lowest percent vote is the most scandalous of the four groups listed because people would prefer someone from any of the other three groups for a babysitter