Atheism Plus (also rendered Atheism+) was a movement proposed in 2012 by blogger Jey McCreight. Its original definition encouraged progressive atheists to move beyond the question of (non-)belief and to address additional issues, including critical thinking, skepticism, social justice, feminism, anti-racism, and combatting homophobia and transphobia.

Atheist feminists hold that religion is a prominent source of female oppression and inequality

@shortstories There isn't many types of Atheism is just 1 Atheism that Is lack of believe in The supernatural


Man made global warming destroying the world in a flood is totally not a superstition and totally different than the supernatural claim of Noah's ark and a worldwide flood

Have faith in the one true science

@shortstories I get what you are saying that they are trying to use science to create a Sort of secular religion but diferent from The Bible they are least using things that can be tested for example The so called Global Warming cause by human Is yeah a true statement cause we do some humans activities that afffect The global temp BUT in this case they just exagerated The effects for propaganda pourpose.



Buddhist Atheism is the same Atheism as secular humanist Atheism and pure materialist Atheism because only one Atheism?

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@shortstories As mention before Atheism Is just lack of believe in The Supernatural.

You add can it as adjective.


Buddhists can be atheists and also believe in the supernatural because they believe in no gods but also believe in supernatural or paranormal or possibly superstitious things like reincarnation and ghosts and possibly miracles


I am talking about the Buddhists that are atheists not the ones that believe in gods

@shortstories So yeah they are different Budism denomination The same way Christianity have Catholisism, pescastarian etc.

Actually at The beggining of Christianity there was a Agnostic Christianity that was secular. Atheism Is recient world view since it started since science start given explanations from our world.

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