i'm always like 5 seconds away from never playing another new video game ever again. they're just getting more and more shitty. it's not even nostalgia talking because i can go back and play old games i've never played before and find them way more fun than the new slop that comes out. even if it is extremely refined slop, there's still something missing. even something like baldur's gate 3 which was by all accounts an amazing game did absolutely nothing to hook me beyond the 4 hours i played.

half life, FEAR, and portal are games i have played within the last couple of years i hadn't before. they are absolute gems that are still better than the vast majority of shit that's come out in the past decade.

@beardalaxy >even something like baldur's gate 3 which was by all accounts an amazing game

According to who? Fags, sheep and gaming journalists? Even someone like Synthetic Man, who admitted to being a total sucker for BG3-type of games and defended BG3 despite the mountains of poz, also said that the game probably wasn't even a 8/10, let alone a 10/10. I don't think there's anything wrong with you for not getting hooked on that shit...
@ChristiJunior @beardalaxy It just blew most people away because it was merely adjacent to old RPGs and nowhere near the quality/scale of content.

Most people who praise BG3 never get out of the first chapter, which is also frontloaded with content compared to every other chapter. Chapters 4-5 barely work.
@Wolffkran @ChristiJunior @beardalaxy
Unfortunately a lot of devs have figured out that the gaming community has the attention span of a goldfish, and if your game starts off really well, nobody will care about it fading into just being okay as it goes on. BOTW is notable for starting off great, but gradually becoming less interesting, and that game still gets its dick sucked to an absurd degree. Too many games nowadays are bloated and frontloaded, while games that are somewhat smaller in scale but polished from beginning to end get overlooked.
SMTV was the same. The first area was fun and interesting then they copypasted the assets four times with different colored sand and threw in two of the most dog shit dungeons Atlus has ever made and now it's the best selling game in the series.

@Tsuki @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @beardalaxy @Wolffkran

The trend was to move away from thinking choices & reaction time, motor skills & strategy toward flashy graphics for stupid clumsy people

Battles take a long time because you have to wait through a flashy graphics sequence before your next move

People used to custom draw grapics where there was a specific 2 dimensional picture for each frame with each angle within a small number of viewing angles

they replaced it with polygons

I don't think the battles are really the main issue with SMT V, it's probably the most refined part of the game other than a few dumb changes from previous games.

My issue with many modern games is no one can design a dungeon anymore(partly a symptom of the obsession with HD graphics) Pokemon, Zelda, SMT and FF are all examples they've all traded dungeon exploration for dull empty open worlds and hallways.

@Tsuki @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @beardalaxy @Wolffkran

Try dungeon hack

It generates a random dungeon

It is similar to Advanced Dungeon & Dragons 2nd Edition

It is firstperson view perspective. You only get to control 1 character

You can turn dungeon features like traps, keys, locks, magic items, undead and water levels on and off and change food availability, monster difficulty & monster numbers

You can control how many levels in the dungeon

Each dungeon has a random number seed

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