
After what year was their essentially no more new styles of music sold by the mainstream music industry

Where they just started reusing old templates and changing the words a little and no longer used very different musical instruments but just reused previously invented instruments

Where none of the styles of how instruments were played was greatly changed but just old styles were recycled with small changes

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@shortstories I’m a Zoomer that listens to mostly older music. There have been recent studies to suggest that music has become less complex over the last few decades, not just the music itself but also the lyrics/song writing has become less diverse.


One person claimed that it was the most complex and they mighy also have said diverse at the time of the beatles but I do not believe that because I have seen new styles of music after that for example after the beatles in modern rock the electric guitar is played in a totally different style and today's rock and roll is totally different than Elvis however at a certain point I feel like there has been nothing new in terms of styles and instruments


If you read even Church hymns there is a line called a chorus or bridge whih is called a hook in the modern music industry

It is a line that is always the same so the audience remembers it

They found the larger the percent of the song is the hook the more a audience can remember to sing along with the song because they can not remember the other lines

The more they can remember & sing along the more they request it

The hook lowers the diversity

It existed for over 100 years

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