@irie I could have told you that. That's literally what the mythos around human evolution say as well.

@sjw @irie

What nutrient is found in meat that the brain needs that can not be found in milk, eggs, honey, yeast, mushrooms / fungus nor plants

What if they are only doing this

1 To allow Jews to continue animal sacrifices

2 To promote cannibalism


@sjw @irie

Doctor not nutritionist nor dietitian

Didn't Harvard fire a bunch of people for not punishing anti Zionist protestors or even Zionist protestors that are not Zionist enough to support achieving Zionism through genocide

Why should I trust them at this timr when the Temple Mount Faithful want animal sacrifice in the Temple in Israel and the Zionists are trying to genocide Palestinians which woud allow easier access to animal sacrifice in the Temple

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@sjw @irie @VeganMGTOW

Also the ruling class never promoted Veganism to prevent animal death nor improve human health

They only promoted veganism to make it more difficult for the slave class to access food

I am not saying Veganism is good or bad

I am only talking about the motives of the ruling class

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