
One of the problems is not just that they created a fake vaccine but that if they replace all regular vaccines with mRNA vaccines then there are no real vaccines

If you are a new parent then it will actually be impossible to get your child vaccinated with a real vaccine if they do this

Children will start dying of diseases that the rest of the population used to be immune to

Either the mRNA vaccines will be fake placebos that do nothing or will kill or hurt children instead of protecting them

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I would suggest that it is better for men not to become a parent until the problem of counterfeit medicine being promoted, celebrated and enforced by the media, government and corporations is solved

I would suggest celibacy until things change is the safest option

There is no point in becoming a parent if they are going to get rid of real vaccines and replace them with counterfeit products and you will just end up seeing your child die of some disease that would have been easy to prevent

All medicine is inherently fake, it is built on top of an outright lie. In the short term it soothes the pain, but the cost for that is put onto those that follow. Only stitching wounds and setting broken bones are not terminally flawed, the rest is just weakening the ones that use it.
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