It's on the MMM report of this Friday but I'm going through this video as I'm writing.

Debunking Human Shields (Easy) - GDF

The IDF uses an AI home tracking device called Lavender that gives them Hamas agent home location. It then becomes the FIRST target of choice to bomb once the agent is confirmed at home with his family to bomb the house. The family-murdering system is called "Where's Daddy".

The IDF collaborates with big tech social media for data.



The Israeli Defense Forces have been accused to use Palestinians as human shields. According to B'Tselem, IDF soldiers put Palestinian civilians in front of them or otherwise putting civilians in the line of fire,[6]

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and forcing Palestinians to remove suspicious objects (possible explosives).[6] IDF soldiers also force Palestinian civilians to walk through suspected booby-trapped buildings. Israel also formerly employed the "neighbor procedure" in which Palestinian civilians were forced to attempt to persuade wanted individuals to surrender themselves to the IDF.[7]

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