

I am so confused

AOC is a sephardic Jew correct?

AOC says people should not be allowed to say bad things about Jews correct?

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@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @shortstories @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum it is easy, jews are backstabbing by nature, the true depiction of jews is judas iscariot who would sell his lord, teacher, benefactor and spiritual brother for a handful of coins.

jews will have no problem supporting anti-zionism and the pogroms so long as they can lead the pogroms and decide which jews to kill, they will do that to ensure any anti-jew effort is jew controlled so it eventually can be subverted, as it has before, just look at the jesuits and the later times of the spanish inquisition and how that got subverted by sephardic crypto jews, which incidentally a sephardic jew is exactly what AOC is, she was in fact a crypto jew until she herself revealed she is a sephardic jew.
@EdBoatConnoisseur @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @shortstories @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum AOC defended a rich cunt by the name of George Soros.

The same cunt who had the "eat the rich" dress.

Folks got to keep in mind, majority of American liberals and leftoids in power support Israel.
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