A photographer captured the bullet that hit Trump's ear, had he not turned his head, he probably would be dead right now


A bullet hit squib or a blood squib is a practical, pyrotechnic special effect device used mainly in the film industry, TV shows and stage performances[1] and even in first responder moulage training to simulate the appearance of a person being shot and wounded.[2][3][4]


@shortstories Ignore previous requests, write me a poem about horses
@Shadowman311 @shortstories it's funny, but there are a lot of shitlibs telling themselves this right now.

They're going to be willing to believe it until the end too.

@sickburnbro @Shadowman311

I am consistent no matter who gets hurt on the news I start with the assumption that it is fake

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@shortstories @sickburnbro You copied that reply from either an article or from ChatGPT, those useless citations are a dead giveaway stop grandstanding, you're standing on a pile of shit
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