am thinking about moving again, do not want to stay in here for another winter. thought the prices are just bad everywhere. that was the case for my last rents as well but somehow i always find a good deal at the last minute. i doubt that is possible any longer though. i know that if i leave my current place, there is no chance of finding as good deal is i have now. was thinking about small town maybe. i won't miss anything from big city so..dunno.


What about Dearborn, Michigan?

Dearborn Michigan might be more likely to use defensive force against violent enforcement of government lockdowns on account of their demographics



Median Rent (ACS)

Median Monthly Rent as reported by the American Community Survey

World Population Review



I would advise moving to USA or Mexico, South America or Asia

Stay out of Europe, European Union, United Kingdom, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa

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@shortstories europe is fine as long as you avoid western eururope. Uk, es, it, fr, de, se, maybe norway and denmark as well. PT is fine inland, balkans, central and eastern europe are fine as well. Now EU and NATO are something else but if you are not in aforementioned countries it is ok.

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