In my teens, I used to be able to get by with 10% of the population. In my 20s, I was able to get by with 5% of the population. In my 30s, I am able to get by with 1% of the population. In my 40s, I'll probably fuck off into the mountains..or something. I have little connection with the people left in me. Too much crazy in the society and weak mean all around. I just do not even care about the society itself, that's how shit it is. It's not just the crazy people, it is the society itself.



You could just be some alone guy who hangs out renting a cheap apartment in the suburbs and stays on the internet ignoring people but using the running water and the electricity and refrigeration and air conditioning and heating to make life more convenient

Because even if you become a mountain hermit they will force you to use money to pay for property tax or they will steal your place of living and you will still have to interact with society to get the money to pay property tax

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