I see a lot of anime and furry avatars in discord/slack chat rooms. Mostly related to coding. Does it mean coders are absofuckinglutely weird by nature or is it some default avatar setting by these platforms? it is quite concerning.


I volunteered at a tutoring center

Most of the people there were computer science students

Most of the tutors were in computer science

There was this student from some country near India

He would try to argue with all the Christian computer science students to persuade them in evolution very loud

He said I do not care if you are Christian there are plenty of Christians hat believe in evolution you should accept that evolution is scientific fact

There are actually a lot of Christian computer scientists who mainstream society would label as conservative but then there are these people like that Indian Adjacent guy who are very vocal

The thing is the computer scientists who mainstream society would label as leftists support censorship but I never heard computer scientists who mainstream society would label as right wing promote it to the same degree

So the coders who get to be vocal on the big media platforms are "left wing"



Now I believe in the scientific theory of natural selection in terms of what is happening right now but I just do not believe that we can know the history of what happened in the past regarding evolutionary timelines or the big bang

But that was not enough I had to believe in evolution in the same way that he did

He was a religious zealot fanatic and the arguments got so loud that the faculty came in to complain about the noise level at least once

He took almost no biology

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