nowhere have I "claimed" an "innate deficiency" of intelligence in blacks. My position on this question is clearly spelled out in my most recent book: "The plain fact is that at present there exists no scientifically satisfactory explanation for the differences between the IQ distributions in the black and white populations. The only genuine consensus among well-informed scientists on this topic is that the cause of the difference remains an open question."

Racism lowers IQ. That's why only blacks are effected.


I believe the largest cause of lower black IQ is kike propaganda directed at black people encouraging them to blame the white man and demand free stuff from White men instead of trying to succeed by actions other than blaming the White man. And not being told that it is the White looking kikes that keep them down when the White man is blamed

There might still be an IQ difference but the difference would be much less without such propaganda because they might try to study

@HarryNuggets @shortstories @Humpleupagus And like I’d tell the gab-holes:
>So what you’re saying is the only physical attribute NOT determined by genetics is IQ.
Also what I’d tell them:
>Guessing you’ve never bought a dog before.

@EvilSandmich @Humpleupagus @HarryNuggets

Most of the variation in physical attributes is caused by behaviors and environment with rare exceptions when people have certain genetic disorders

I am proposing the same for intelligence and physical attributes

No matter how much genetic potential someone has most will not be able to do a 5 minute per mile marathon without training

The primary cause of high intelligence is the choice to study not DNA

Rare exceptions are caused by genetic defects

@shortstories @EvilSandmich @Humpleupagus @HarryNuggets By that logic, if you had the right combination of teaching methods, motivation, and resources you could grab any random small child out of the ghetto, the back alleys of Mumbai, or some backwater village deep in the Congo, and turn that child into a brain surgeon or chess grand master or cutting edge mathematician. And the only thing holding us back from that bright, golden future is that we have yet to find that magical combination of teaching methods, resources, and means of motivating people.

But no one really believes that, not even you. Everyone knows in their gut that intelligence is like physical abilities. You can develop what you have more fully with the proper training, but ultimately we all have hard limits coded into us. If I trained like mad, was trained by the best coach, ate and exorcised exactly as I was supposed to, I could be made to be a better basketball player than I am. But I will never, ever, no matter how hard I train, make it to the NBA, or even a low ranked college team. I am too short, my reflexes too slow. My body isn't made to be a top level basketball player, and no amount of desire and training will over come that.

You can not make a person more intelligent than they are wired to be just like you can't make me a 6'8" power forward. You can help a person develop their intelligence such they can make the most of what they have, but you can't give them more than what they have, not without somehow rewriting their DNA.

People have limits, we are born with them. Life isn't some anime where you can train every day to become some kind of super human. Groups of people, being different, will inevitably have their own average intelligence level, just like average height, skin tone, eye color, speed, etc. You might hate it, but it is what it is.

@Charles_in_Charge @Humpleupagus @EvilSandmich @HarryNuggets
There is a difference between raw intelligence test scores & relative IQ test scores

So you could make maybe 80% of the population smarter at that subject than 80% of people with a PhD in any field you choose today with the right combination of training but if you apply that standard to everybody than they might raise the PhD standards so you would not get more PhDs

There might be less than 20% that can not achieve that genetically

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"So you could make maybe 80% of the population smarter at that subject than 80% of people with a PhD "
No, you can't. You can, if they reach some minimum standard of intelligence, teach them more about a subject. That does not make them smarter.
Do not confuse the ability to regurgitate facts with intelligence, or even understanding.
Also, do not conflate "with a PhD" with any particular level of learning or intelligence. that's conflating classroom compliance with education, education with understanding, and understanding with intelligence.
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