If some sort of human metric is normally distributed then people are going to say

Will most people will be about the same near the mean and any different outcomes are mostly caused by discriminatory policies against groups

But let's say these metrics are much closer to another distribution like a pareto distribution

Maybe 1 in 5 people are better than the other 4 in 5 combined

There would be a vast difference in outcomes caused by human differences not discriminatory policies

Part 1 of 2


To the best of my knowledge most scientific journal articles in psychology & medical fields involving humans seem to use normal distribution as a starting point and they do not provide the raw data & expect you to trust them at their word that it is normally distributed, which is why they frequently use t-tests which presuppose normal distributions

Every time they do that they are claiming humans being approximately equal as the starting point

This default type of statistics is pro-communist

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