Primary ancestry of many Ashkenazi Jews not from Israel
There were a large number of converts but some of the converts would have reproduced with the original people of Israelite ancestry who were expelled for bad behavior
This would give Modern Ashkenazi "Jews" some Israelite ancestry but a lesser amount of Israelite percent ancestry than the Palestinians on average
The religion they converted to was a racist religion that was not based on the Old Testament but the racist books like the Talmud that were written after the new testament
Your study article compares their percent ancestry with Canaanites for the groups listed but does not compare it for other groups
For all I know blacks, Europeans and Indian Asians might share a similar amount of Caananite DNA overlap to Jews and Arabs if those groups were not tested
@georgia @s8n
I do not hold if you have whatever ancestry against you
I have a problem with the so called Jewish religion based on the Talmud because it is racist against people they classify as Goyim & says things like for example in
Sanhedrin 57a
"With regard to bloodshed, if a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt."
But do not defend the so called Jewish religion then if you are Hindu