Somebody mentioned gab and I forgot about it so I went to look and this was the first thing I saw
I'd just like to say, if you are like musk and eat ketchup on your McDonald's fries instead of mcchicken sauce you are retarded (he's retarded)
All these niggas eating two burgers/sandwiches and a large fry I can't even get through one and a large fry what the hell


"I can't even get through one and a large fry what the hell"

If you drink beyond a certain amount of pure water without sodium and potassium then it can kill you

But one way to gradually increase how much food you can eat is to drink a little bit more water in a meal every day but not so much water that it makes you feel sick

And make sure you have the right amount of sodium and potassium with the water for it not to kill you

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