@mk @PNS @newman @shortstories the last time a capitalist authoritarian empire took over the world millions were enslaved and hundreds of millions had easily avoidable deaths

@Pumpkinboygotcake @shortstories @newman @PNS

for sure, dude.

look what the evil capitalism did to the poor chinese people !!!!11 😥


@mk @shortstories @newman @PNS news source i can show you what the evil capitalists did to India, and atleast china has a economy that allows most people to own homes ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

@Pumpkinboygotcake @shortstories @newman @PNS

"i can show you what the evil capitalists did to India"

show me

@dcc @mk @shortstories @PNS @newman are you guys not aware signs like that were basically everywhere in nazi Germany due to the extremely high rates of dysentery causing millions of Germans to have chronic diarrhoea and spray shit everywhere?

@Pumpkinboygotcake @dcc @mk @newman @PNS

Adolf Hitler was mostly right about most of the Ashkemazi and Sephardic Jews

@shortstories @dcc @mk @newman @PNS "adolf hitler was also right about the Spiders and his dead mother stalking him through the walls of his mansion and him drinking more dirty water to clean his chronic diarrhoea and farting and copying the united states and meth being healthy and wasn't causing him any problems with his mental health and psychical health" the fact you look up to a man who'd shit himself in the middle of pro creating and continue fucking his wife really shows what type of uneducated loser you are.

@Pumpkinboygotcake @dcc @mk @newman @PNS

I did not say Adolf Hitler was mostly right about anything else other than most of the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews

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