More Jewish power results in _______ diversity of religions other than Judaism and Noahide Shabbos Goy Religions
Do you really think Jews tolerate other religions than Judaism to allow diversity of religion?
Would you agree that Jews do not tolerate other religions and want to convert everyone to either be a Jew or a Noahide Shabbos Goy
And that Jews want to outlaw Christianity
"You've already got evangelicals that are fully bought in on Zionism"
But are they going to try to gradually make the Zionist evangelicals convert to Noahide Shabbos Goy and reject Christianity
"Unbeknownst to most Americans, the US Congress has been gradually changing the fundamentals of American law"
"The movement ratcheted forward in 1991, when Congress coupled Rabbi Schneerson's happy birthday message with a declaration that the United States of America was founded on the seven Noahide Laws. (1)
"The Noahide Laws promise deadly consequences for Christians."
"according to the known Jewish ruling that Christians are idol worshippers"
"Pope Francis Removes Cross From Malta Event Venue To Avoid Offending Muslims"
The Pope also removes crosses to avoid offending Jews because they already have gradually changed the Church institutions to become more and more Jewish compliant
"Francis covers cross, bows to please Jewish secretary of Israeli president"
The kikes are changing the Church institutions to make them more and more Jewish compliant
"Well they hiss like vampires if they are confronted with a cross."
I heard they face away from the cross so not to look at it then spit on the ground three times