Mastodon isn't perfect.

But the fact a social network exists that is completely free to use

has no venture capital investors

has no shareholders to answer to

has no growth targets

with a web interface with zero tracking cookies

and mobile apps with zero trackers at all

with ten thousand server administrators who donate their time for user safety

is - in my opinion - mindbogglingly cool, given the state of the world we live in. Not everything has to be shit. People make things better.



Federal government agents probably post illegal porn on such websites so they can arrest the administrators for failure to take down such porn

That is why administrators should block illegal porn and why I am opposed to people posting illegal porn

But the porn laws are there not to protect society but to have an excuse to ban servers

The government probably wants to eliminate things like mastodon if they can not subvert them

Just owning a server for anything is dangerous

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