So unfortunately I knew homosexual people not by choice before this transgender thing got big

Now people warned it would be a slippery slope. I would argue it would not be a slippery slope if the homosexual people only wanted homosexuality to be legalized but had no intention to promote transgenderism.

But the thing is homosexuals were promoting transgenderism for decades

The reason it was a slippery slope is many homosexuals planned to chop off people's body parts from the very beginning


You see homosexuals knew this chopping off people's body parts things would be less popular than homosexuality so they started with legalized homosexuality instead of starting with their full end goal, and this chopping off people's body parts is not even their end goal, their end goal is even worse


I thought homosexuals' end goal was just to have sex with the same gender

what other goal would they have?


Homosexual goals line up with kike goals because the kikes have brainwashed them

Reduce White Population

Sanhedrin 54b search for "nine" or "9" to find another one of their goals

Right to force other people to become homosexuals

Forced celebration of homosexuality and transgenderism

Outlaw celibacy and chastity

Free stuff at other people's expense

Outlaw criticism of all religions except Christianity

Outlaw Christianity

Promote feminism

- Not all homosexuals goals


Talking to a lot of them they basically have planned Parenthood and Democratic Party goals with some exceptions they believe the world is over populated and they are like the Church of Euthanasia


They also tend to be hedonists and support the idea of having pleasure now even if there are bad consequences in the future


have you done or read any systematic study of gay community values to verify your points here?

They don't have any other goals, that's the problem. A-hole is the goal and that's all that matters to them.

@Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo

They have plenty of other goals with holes and poles that they have not legally achieved yet

@shortstories @Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo As is usually the case with these collective-emergent sorts of things, the goals of homosexuality-in-general is/are far broader than can be directly perceived in the behaviors and life-choices of any one individual.
@KingOfWhiteAmerica @shortstories @Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo It's become popular lately to say that the purpose of an organization is what it does. I would use a version of that idea years ago when people would complain about our work -

> We just need to explain how unhappy this makes us
> You are exactly as unhappy as they want you to be

But it's difficult for people to make these connections.

> Sodomites just want to be left alone!
> They are sodomites, they are disordered, they have disordered desires. _Of course_ they want the worst possible thing!

Aquinas said it better, of course. Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe, to know what he ought to desire, and to know what he ought to do. The fags desire the wrong thing, and no sane society allows them public space to destroy everyone else.
@Sulla_Felix @KingOfWhiteAmerica @shortstories @Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo There’s a reason none of our ancestors, Christian or Pagan liked them, despite what the kikes will try to tell you.

@Humpleupagus @shortstories

this contradicts @shortstories, who is laying out a rather complex set of goals for them

The goal has a myriad of psychological manifestations that are expressed as a series of behaviors typical of homosexuals, but they all circle back to an obsession with their anuses.

@Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo

Freudian Psychology was right about the Kikes but wrong about most everyone else?

@relentless_eduardo @Humpleupagus
A large number of them have a complex set of goals that relate to a simple philosophy of hedonism and the belief that if it gives them gratification in the short run then they have a Right to do it

There are exceptions of some homosexuals that do not have the complex set of goals

But most people are turned into homosexuals through propaganda and would not naturally be homosexuals if they were willing to avoid doing what feels good in order for long term gains

@relentless_eduardo @Humpleupagus

Because a large amount of the propaganda that turns people into homosexuals in the current year is from Kikes. A large number of homosexuals share the kike goals like the goals of the United Nations, The European Union, the world Economic Forum and the Democratic Party in the U.S.A.

There are exceptions like the log cabin Republicans that do not overlap with those goals as much but those exceptions are rare and even the log cabin Republicans are subverted

@relentless_eduardo @Humpleupagus

You see there are plenty of men who are attracted to men but do not believe they have a right to have physical relations with men and do not choose to do so because they know it is harmful to society by raising the rates of STDs at the cost of no benefit since they can not reproduce that way

If they are going to do that they could minimize harm by having less partners but they have massive amounts of partners typically

@relentless_eduardo @Humpleupagus

Once they cross over to the philosophy that it is ok for men to have physical relations with men because it provides short term gratification that comes with a bunch of other things encouraged that harm society but provide short term gratification

The men who are attracted to men but choose not to act on it because it harms society have a philosophy of helping society in the long run even if it is not as gratifying in the short run

@shortstories @Humpleupagus

"bunch of other things encouraged that harm society but provide short term gratification"

what are these things and how do they harm society?

@relentless_eduardo @Humpleupagus

1 They lifted the entry ban of HIV AIDS that George Bush tried but failed to Remove under Barack Hussein Obama

2 If you accept that men have a right to have physical relations with men because it feels good it opens up desire for the whole LGBTQP+ ideology because it feels good. 1 / 2 of statutory r*** cases are involving two people of the same gender but less than 1 / 2 of people are homosexual or bisexual

3 Low or No impulse control in decision making

@relentless_eduardo @Humpleupagus
4 Encourages the philosophy that I have a right to tax people because it feels good for me to have free stuff at other people's expense even though it is bad for society in the long run

5 The philosophy that doing what feels good in the moment is important even if bad in the wrong run leads to preventable diseases like diabetes

6 It leads to relationships between men who do not consent with other men in prisons because they think have a right to it

@relentless_eduardo @Humpleupagus

7 Many people who choose to practice a homosexual lifestyle often claim they are making the world a better place by reducing the population and often adopt the goals of the Church of Euthanasia and Planned Parenthood

@shortstories @Humpleupagus

your entire point 7 can be deleted because it is just a description of a subject opinion, not an objective face

@shortstories @Humpleupagus

you reduce all homo relationships to impulsive expedience but there could be the same reasons as straights have, including love

> Some pedophiles really love children.

He's basically arguing by analogy that not all pedophiles are like that, therefore it's ok. Naxalt arguments are not good policy makers.

@Humpleupagus @shortstories @MisterRogersSnapped

:not all pedophiles are like that, therefore it's ok. "

except that that implied conclusion here is that we can lump person A with person B just because person A does something we don't like

In this case, both A and B are doing something I don't like.

Only a fag would make your argument.

You're gay. And it shows.

@Humpleupagus @shortstories

I don't know where this quote came from, if it is a quote. it's off topic for this thread.

@Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo @shortstories > some men are sexually attracted to a New York style pizza with beef, sausage, ham, and extra cheese but they choose not to fuck said pizza because it would burn their glans.

and eating pizza provides more pleasure utils than fucking it

@relentless_eduardo @Humpleupagus

relentless_eduardo said, "you reduce all homo relationships to impulsive expedience but there could be the same reasons as straights have, including love"

1 I am talking about most homosexual males

2 You can love someone without having physical relations with them. In fact I would suggest that your love is better if you do not choose to increase their risk of getting an STD for your own gratification

@relentless_eduardo @Humpleupagus

Also I do not endorse encouraging men who had physical relations with men into converting to have physical relations with women because then they will just have increased likelihood of spreading STDs into the heterosexual community

And having physical relations with women does not mean someone is not homosexual because there are bisexuals

Bisexuals who have already had physical relations with men would help society better becoming celibate usually

#hot #take: #homosexuality is disgusting because shit is disgusting, and male bodily fluid are disgusting to a healthy heterosexual male. It's why a man feels dirty and wants to wash up after masturbating.

Could care less about the higher-order effects of what is beneficial to society. You think
#trophy #wives marrying a #rich #fuck care what is beneficial to society?

#hotter #hot #take: a healthy bromance is good and something I wish I could have had the opportunity to have in life.

Unfortunately, the men who have been most receptive to tight bear hugs are, in fact, homosexual. They want the poopdick.

@KuteboiCoder @Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo

Look if the person became rich through honest and ethical means then whether or not they think they are doing what is good for society by reproducing with ethical businessmen Trophy wives are making the world a better place, but they make it a worse place if they divorce them for their money

However the trophy wives who marry the rich men with unethical business practices and reproduce with them make the world a worse place

Foids don't understand the business practices and life skills that make rich men rich. If they did then they would be rich.

@KuteboiCoder @Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo

I did not know what that word meant here is what the Kike Anti Defamation League defines it as

And I am going to log out of here and do other stuff now if I do not reply to comments right away

Foid is a derogatory incel term for woman. The phrase is an abbreviation of "femoid" which combines the words "female" and "humanoid" or "female" and "android."

shower thoughts: the right of property and the right of inheritance is good and beneficial to society during periods of imperial expansion, nation-building and economic growth. The right of inheritance is destructive to society during historical periods of decline and collapse.

But during the decline and collapse, the elites needs their inherited wealth even more than they do during times of prosperity. The nature of inheritance is putting family first.

Christianity commands us to hate all sin, and love all sinners.

Every godless ideology is driven compulsively idolize a particular sin - such that all productive and helpful acts are intended to buy you the right to indulge in your favored sin. And, to hate some subset of sinners whose preferences are contrary to yours.

If you skim through the
#Koran, it's pretty obviously that #Mohammad's crisis of conscience was that he was convinced #Christianity was true, to the best he could understand it, but still felt envious and resentful of his Jewish-Christian in-laws, who were much wealthier and more literate and learned than him. He could not and did not practice Christian humility in founding a rival sect.

#Buddhism is fundamentally true, in the sense that all humans are suffering inevitably as part of the human condition, and require supernatural intervention to be pulled away from samsara. But #Buddha, pre-Christ, did not know who the savior was, and his best guess was that he himself was the savior, given that he had stumbled upon this profound revelation.

#Socrates is credited with being founder of classic philosophy, in the centuries that followed after him, given that his proteges educated young Alexander in the court of Philip. He was not considered the founder of philosophy in his own time; philosophers in his age were a dime a dozen.

Socrates introduced
#Euthyphro's dilemma, which suggested that divine command theory could not be coherent in #polytheistic #context. He did not realize that he refuted #polytheism, rather than divine command theory.

#Christianity itself has its internal contradictions, namely that countless popes throughout history have given a poor example of Christian charity; and the same is true for #Protestant reformers.

The best anti-christian apologetics that can be given are either, full scientific materialism, which is not entirely convincing, or
#ChristMythTheory, which is un-historical and very unconvincing. #history #academic #criticaltheory

A much weaker argument against Christianity is that Christians have waged war and oppressed slaves throughout history, which is tu quoque fallacy. It does not address the underlying claim that Jesus was god, is god and makes certain universalist demands as such.

As for me, I am an agnostic. And I am a sinner.

I do not love my enemies, or even practice self-care in a productive and consistent manner.

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