So unfortunately I knew homosexual people not by choice before this transgender thing got big

Now people warned it would be a slippery slope. I would argue it would not be a slippery slope if the homosexual people only wanted homosexuality to be legalized but had no intention to promote transgenderism.

But the thing is homosexuals were promoting transgenderism for decades

The reason it was a slippery slope is many homosexuals planned to chop off people's body parts from the very beginning

You see homosexuals knew this chopping off people's body parts things would be less popular than homosexuality so they started with legalized homosexuality instead of starting with their full end goal, and this chopping off people's body parts is not even their end goal, their end goal is even worse


I thought homosexuals' end goal was just to have sex with the same gender

what other goal would they have?

They don't have any other goals, that's the problem. A-hole is the goal and that's all that matters to them.

@Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo

They have plenty of other goals with holes and poles that they have not legally achieved yet

@shortstories @Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo As is usually the case with these collective-emergent sorts of things, the goals of homosexuality-in-general is/are far broader than can be directly perceived in the behaviors and life-choices of any one individual.
@KingOfWhiteAmerica @shortstories @Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo It's become popular lately to say that the purpose of an organization is what it does. I would use a version of that idea years ago when people would complain about our work -

> We just need to explain how unhappy this makes us
> You are exactly as unhappy as they want you to be

But it's difficult for people to make these connections.

> Sodomites just want to be left alone!
> They are sodomites, they are disordered, they have disordered desires. _Of course_ they want the worst possible thing!

Aquinas said it better, of course. Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe, to know what he ought to desire, and to know what he ought to do. The fags desire the wrong thing, and no sane society allows them public space to destroy everyone else.
@Sulla_Felix @KingOfWhiteAmerica @shortstories @Humpleupagus @relentless_eduardo There’s a reason none of our ancestors, Christian or Pagan liked them, despite what the kikes will try to tell you.
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