Davening is a ritualistic form of chasidic jewish prayer which involves using the whole body. If you have seen a Jew rocking back and forth you dear reader have seen one davening.

Rabbi Luria and later Hasidic Kabbalists taught in proper davening one is copulating with the Shekinah.” (callmejorgebergoglio.blogspot.)

What kind of prayers do these people say while copulating with this feminine presence? Scriptures from the Bible? No, they come from the Talmud.


I saw a picture of three Hassidic Jews praying in front of a Victoria’s Secret lingerie store...

I would imagine that these Hasidim probably felt they needed some visual aid to have this type of experience and close encounter as described by the Baal Shem Tov...

The false Messiah Shabbatai Tzvi (1626-1672) was famous for his free love and ritual fornication, incestuous sexual relations and ritual orgies that he and his followers had

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