The way California bungled the wildfires is an awe inspiring clusterfuck, absolutely fucking mindblowing incompetence from the gayest, brownest state government



What is incompetent about it?

Kikes love destruction

Again 1/2 the story. Almost all wildfire insurance policies were cancelled in 2023 and 2024. That stat is what would be the cost had the jews not already cancelled the policies.
@Tadg_macNuadat @PraxisOfEvil @shortstories I am sorry but you are living in the future area of black rocks new solar farm and we can no longer insure you
@PraxisOfEvil @Tadg_macNuadat @shortstories Yw. If you want more schizo commentary I'm sure I'll think of something later. I am doing stain work and it messes with my head giving me visions of our elites dastardly deeds
@Tadg_macNuadat @shortstories @PraxisOfEvil I'd say that, but they seem adverse to building more housing
In California? No, that is not the case. There are infinity programs in CA regarding housing including RHNA [regional housing needs assessment] that are part of every jurisdictions forced general plan.
@Tadg_macNuadat @shortstories @PraxisOfEvil Housing in California is expensive because they don't build more housing
no. that isn't correct. Housing is expensive for many reasons but not that there isn't enough. The single family vacancy rate [in pop areas] is artificially inflated by blackrock and vanguard. The political 'leaders' are the implementers of these policies.

@Tadg_macNuadat @egirlyuumimain @PraxisOfEvil

Housing is expensive because Kikes are allowed to lend out more money than they have

that is a valid criticism of the whole system imo. The jews get the money at 3% after they print it. They lend it a 6% and are on the course by 3. 3/6/3 is a verifiable thing.
@Tadg_macNuadat @shortstories @PraxisOfEvil Housing price is dictated by supply and demand. If more housing isn't built where demand is wanted the price goes up
I don't know you but I'm not interested in discussing Econ101.
You don't live in CA or have an understanding of CA politics?

@egirlyuumimain @Tadg_macNuadat @shortstories @PraxisOfEvil Nope, they are building a shitload of crappy developments in Florida and prices are higher than ever.

Kick out all the illegals and prices will start dropping. Demand will drop even if they are staying 20 to a house.

@john_rando @Tadg_macNuadat @shortstories @PraxisOfEvil I'm in agreement we kick out illegals. They add to the demand problem making supply worse

@egirlyuumimain @Tadg_macNuadat @john_rando @PraxisOfEvil

What if they only kicked out the male illegal immigrants and let the women get to choose to be state mandated spouses or get kicked out

My employer (millionaires) bought some residential zoned land before the pandemic. They haven't been able to get utilities or even lay a concrete slab at all. They've done nothing with the land other than a little bit of landscaping and vegetation abatement for fire control.

Imagine paying property taxes on land you can't live on

One of the many unaffordable luxurious for the rich, here in California

@PraxisOfEvil @shortstories I am sure they will find a loophole to get out of paying


They create money

They can just fabricate the same amount of money that they "lost"

They would find a way to make sure other kikes have fire insurance but try to cancel the fire insurance for goyim

They are the kind of beings that would be willing to harm themselves as long as they guarantee that other beings are harmed more

@shortstories Sorry I didn't immediately blame jews, what kind of goy am I?


Look even if there was not direct arson and it all happened naturally they would be happy to have weakened the fire departments ability to respond to help goyim houses

@shortstories But a bunch of evil celebrities who probably worshipped Satan lost their houses

@PraxisOfEvil @shortstories Well, I'd ultimately hold them responsible in part because they've been pushing so frantically for the gay-ification and brown-ification of the U.S.

With that said, as a card-carrying Roman-saluting jew-despiser, in this case I think it's just an accidental clusterfuck, as you say. I seriously doubt they want to burn down their own stuff.

Additionally, the situation was absolutely ripe for a firestorm. Parched bone-dry conditions, massive winds, ancient power lines sparking all over the place. I'd be more surprised if there WASN'T a wildfire.

Then, of course, the response is fouled up horrendously by the third-world conditions, shitskins, and clowns in charge.

It's a classic, though a ghastly one.

@PraxisOfEvil @Dulla

1 Lucky Larry Silverstein profited from his own towers being destroyed on September Eleven

2 There were fires in Hawaii, Australia and Canada before that people believe were part of a conspiracy in recent history

3 Antifa has been claimed to be involved in Arson

4 What if this has Phoenix Symbolism?

@PraxisOfEvil @Dulla

5 We should see what Tim Ozman says about such a event since he says we should assume news stories are fake unless proven real and that a hoax is different than a false flag but I do not know if he has reported on this story yet

6 When the paranormies come out with something debunking the mainstream narrative we should see what they say but they have not started a podcast on it yet. Usually they run nationalist enquirer episodes where they debunk the news

@shortstories @Dulla I heard about the Silverstein thing, wasn't he the guy that said "Pull it?".

I also heard a lot about the Hawaii fires, mostly direct energy weapon conspiracies.

Antifa committing arson? I believe you, but where?

Phoenix symbolism?

@PraxisOfEvil @Dulla

I have seen tattoos with the Phoenix and the number 33 for the 33rd degree freemasons

A phoenix is a mythical bird that comes to life after being burned

Tim Ozman was making a book predicting the future events that he thought would be scripted into the news and it has a phoenix on the front cover picture you used to be able to buy a paper version

@shortstories Did Ozman predict California wildfires?


In my paper edition there is a Chapter called "The Phoneix As Reset Symbol"

A long list of other connections between fires and the number 33 or the word phoenix are in that chapter

Chapter has a lot of blank space that has neither words nor pictures. Some pages are only pictures

Twin towers constructed 1968 & burned in 2001 a 33 year difference

A 33 year old man who burned himself in front of the white house

x men dark phoenix making 33 million on it's opening weekend


Tim Ozman discusses the wildfires at the start of this video

He says some of the pictures of the wild fires are artificial intelligence generated

A government psychological operations using real fires but a controlled demolition can be done

Right gets to use DEI = DIE

Left gets to blame climate change

That we need to wait and should not jump to conclusions right away

1_9_25 Infinite Plane Radio Evening Deprogram



@shortstories @PraxisOfEvil How about that guy in Palisades that allegedly saved his own house and two neighbors’ by ignoring the evac orders and hosing down the trees ?
@PraxisOfEvil @shortstories @Dulla Yea, him saying pull it has to do with building 7 before it collapsed. My old man was actually one of the guys who did the invest into that building, I should see if the notes still exist (I highly doubt it)
Rick you don't need to be schizo to see the obvious play here.

This stuff is willful negligence by local gov.

They ignore all the warnings, refuse to do forest management and cite budgets or some environmentalist rule, same case in maui. Then you get a huge buildup of kindling along with no fire breaks or normal management stuff so when the spark hits POOF it goes up in a super fire. You could say someone started it but that doesn't need to be the case.

Blackrock can now gobble up all that land for pennies on the dollar for their future smart cities, resorts, condo or whatnot. Whatever threat it poses to the economy gets bank rolled by the money printer. Then a bunch of people get to profit and rip us off on the cleanup efforts, temp housing and all that.

@DrBtc @Dulla @ForbiddenDreamer @PraxisOfEvil

Even if it was an accident, they are glad the accident happened to effect the goyim and would do it again if they could

@ForbiddenDreamer @shortstories @PraxisOfEvil Yeah, it was interesting that Building 7 had to do with DoD Black Budget accounting as well, whereby it being destroyed ultimately caused the DoD to "accidentally" lose like $5 TRILLION from the US Black Budget. Oops!

Catherine Austen Fitts redpilled me on this a couple years back on her Black Budget video. A must watch for those that haven't seen it already:

@PraxisOfEvil @Dulla

There are a lot of articles online fact checking to say that antifascists did not commit arson if you search for Antifa and arson

But I watch, read and listen to a lot more anarchist material then your average person

And there are manuals that so called left wing so called anarchist groups make involving arson

Also if you watch videos of them so called protesting there might be arson

Antifa pretend to be left wing anarchists but a lot of them are government employees

@shortstories @PraxisOfEvil

>"Antifa pretend to be left wing anarchists but a lot of them are government employees"

Yes. Alot of them are CIA. This was confirmed, or attested to recently, by a guy I tune into whose been on the money with quite a few things. He's got his own spooky connections (more on the Palantir/GWOT side, whereas Antifa is more on the liberal DoD/CIA side), and he's said that he knows a number of Antifa because they are in the database, and they're often tied in with CIA.
@shortstories @PraxisOfEvil Yup, yup. I'm filled in on alot of this already, but good info.

HAARP certainly always a consideration in all of this too, although it'd be difficult for anyone to know for certain, and just kinda speculate. Certainly, DEWs, "cloudseeding", and others show that they have no qualms modifying the weather or taking things into their own hands, so it's always a question of whether any natural disaster is organic or artificially-induced.
@PraxisOfEvil @shortstories Oh ya. There's been more than a few leaks / videos captured of the fires being set intentionally. In fact, even before those came to my attention, I knew that these were started can base that on looking at a city like Toronto or other cities in Canada where there is no Single Family Zoning in the cities-- they want the same for the other cities. LA, of course, one of the first for the Agenda 2030 "smart cities" and all that as well.

But, here's another fun fact that alot of people don't know about. The most memorable facts for most people about Ancient Rome is with regards to Julius Caesar and the First Triumvirate which he was a part of. The other two members of the Triumvirate were Pompey and Crassus. Pompey was like the front man golden boy, who was beloved by the Senatorial & Patrician classes. But Crassus was super rich and so he brought money to the table. He got money from a number of different avenues, some of which was old money that was passed down (I think his family may have had some farming latifundia and all that). But a huge source of money that he got was through organized crime, and specifically what he would do is he would pay off the slaves under the table to set fire to people's houses, pay off the private fire departments to delay putting out the fires, and then while their house was burning, one of Crassus' proxies would offer the homeowner HALF OR LESS of what their property was worth. The homeowner would generally just take the offer, and so Crassus built a fortune that way. So even going back to Ancient Rome, this has been a tried-and-true tactic for savvy corrupt elites to circumvent the law and make quite a bit of money.
@PraxisOfEvil @shortstories
Boom bust cycles. Fire is a great purifier. Probably some esoteric shit in there, but who knows. There's also a Chuck Palahniuck reference I could make, but I can't remember the title of the novel.
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