
So I used to use bitchute then the auto play stopped working and they would not let me save bitchute videos on web dot archive dot org so now I am using odysee more but when I open odysee video links in web dot archive dot org even though they save they do not seem to work correctly

There is also rumble

I just remember bitchute working easier than odysee and rumble so mainly using bitchute but now I am trying odysee more as my first choice of those three

You can also try MGTOW dot tv

@shortstories i have a bitchute account lol so does jeff cliff. I stoped uploading there cause they started up with the censorship and old videos i uploaded stopped playing. I have a rumble too but no odesy. Ive also heard about locals i was thibking about trying that one maybe


Stefan Molyneux frequently mentions locals if I remember correctly

I do not listen to Molyneux every day unlike like some people so I am not sure I have the correct information on that

@Forestofenchantment @shortstories u like it when i FUCK UR DAD U HECCIN FEMGOONER PEGMAXXER

@shortstories Excellent. It's another reminder of how long the rot has been setting in. It's poignant that even back then the he points out the UK was leading the charge in degeneracy ahead of the USA.

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