Covid storytime:

I got covid twice.

The 1st time was on vacation with my family.

I wasn't dying but I had fatigue , a stuffed nose and a terrible headache

Not a SINGLE family member stayed by my side to help me when I had covid

They continued on their vacation like everything was fine.

I cannot overestimate how much this messed with my head.

I know it was my choice not to get vaccinated and I accept that.

But knowing my own family would leave me for dead at my weakest...


The propaganda was so strong it turned my entire inner circle against me with no exceptions.

I haven't spoken to my siblings since and I barely talk to my parents now.

For most people Covid was a financial issue.

For me it was a life altering epiphany.

Parasocial relationships saving me from a killer vax and helping me start a biz sounds like fiction but its real.

I'll never get used to strangers on the internet showing me more compassion than my family.

Truth is stranger than fiction.



It's very hard to do but sometimes doing what is healthy and best for you means you have to part ways with those closest to you. I think as long as you can let go and not be bitter or resentful you're just taking care of yourself. The way they should support you in doing.

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