So what I’ve gathered is that squatters can basically show up at your place and start living there while you’re away. If you call the police, the police will back the squatter and prevent you from kicking them out unless you go through some retarded drawn out anarcho tyranny court procedure. End of the day you have to pay tons of legal fees, they trash your place and you’re basically homeless while you’re dealing with it. Not good.

So it seems like the meta here is that calling the cops on a squatter is a mistake that gets you tangled up in the law and you just need to kill them right away and say they were breaking and entering. Then they can’t show some phony power bill to the cops and to the cops it’ll look just like you walked in on a burglary and defended your property. That legal framing is a lot easier to deal with I’d think. Am I missing something here?

@Ghislaine The approach is to call the cops and report it as a burglary or trespassing. Don't report it as a squatter 🤔

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