Practical steps to "let go" articulated by a guy who clearly doesn't give a shit based on how he's dressed, which I can appreciate.

@Tfmonkey Even though this guy is pure ex-PUA gone self-development grifter cringe, he's not wrong. Some of my most enlightening meditations were through very uncomfortable and unfavorable moments, whether it was relational hardships, stress, feeling unwell, or dealing with chronic pain. The mind and body are intimately connected, and that's why it's so valuable to go into the body to learn what lurks underneath the surface into subconscious, but most of us flee to distraction.

@red_dread I wouldn't have guessed he was an ex-PUA based on how he dresses.

@viatorem @Tfmonkey Yeah, he was the one who ended up getting slaughtered by the MSM for some of his tweets.


@red_dread @Tfmonkey Damm, he does not look all too healthy.

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