“The purpose of virtual nursing is to help enhance and augment the care that the bedside nurses are giving,” Brodrick said.

Because nurses have become hard to find.

They have left the profession in droves since 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic began overwhelming hospitals. Some retired. Others became burned out and quit. And many refuse to work bedsides...

Last year alone, roughly 100,000 U.S. nurses left their jobs even as demand grows for their services.


@redmaple I would never go to the hospital other than if I get shot or something like that, otherwise, I go to Mexico to see a doctor or get any kind of operation

@37712 wise man. I'm not a hospital fan either. Learning medical skills is on my diy list.

@redmaple dont, best u can do is first aid stuff, dont do anything that would require a doctor for you to do, just dont get a hospital doctor in america to do it

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