I'm having dry stools and can't shit since Sunday morning. I'm exercising everyday, drink 1.5 liters of water a day, and meals are not short on vegetables.

I'll see if changing my diet will help, and go for a medical laxative last resort.

It'd be funny if the Pfizer shots ended up claiming my bowels but with 8 pages of literal walls of texts of secondary effects I wouldn't be surprised if "turning your turds into Adamantium" is in the catalog lmao

@37712 My calculus at the time was that the World would not allow travel without a covid passport. I wasn't gonna stay in France under that rule knowing you'll have to update this with monthly boosters.

So I took the first 2 shots and hurried on my plan to move out to Switzerland. Flash forward, I'm still in France, became a mudblood and there is no worldwide covid passport and even the US is conceding the origins of the Wuhan Flu.

A bad call was made.

@Wopu so, never in your mind did you think that getting the flu shot was a bad idea or that they would try to kill you with it, literally a rushed, untested, gene therapeutic for which the gov gave itself and the pharmaceutical companies that where making billions complete immunity for any health risks that you might get and at no point did you ever think, yeah getting this vaccine and possibly having to get boosters is fine... and what did you gain for taking the vax + boosters?

@37712 I didn't take the boosters.

Again, in my mind, it was either guaranteed slavery or risking it to accomplish my plan.

In retrospect, it sure af didn't work out as I thought it would have fortunately.

However don't put me in the lot that took it because "Trust the Science". I knew damn well what I was getting into and decided I'd much rather take my chances if it means I won't be stuck in this God forsaken country while they unveil their plan for Serfdom 2.0


@Wopu oh ok got it, now I know where you are coming from, in that case I would suggest you try and find some ways to mitigate the effects of the covid jab, I know that there are some doctors who have ways to get the stuff out of your body to some extent specially the graphene, best of luck.

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