@dander pay is great, the work is hard, you cant have a girl unless you are ok with her cheating when you are at sea, you need someone to look out for your home or pets while you are gone, they dont really like women in these jobs and women generally dont like these kind of jobs. Always long hours and in really ice cold weather, the sea is you new wife but you wont understand the meaning of that untill you actually become a seaman, they really do talk like sailors.


part 3

they have a unspoken team structure/hierarchy and in many cases they work like a broken family that just works together just enough to pull it off. there is a lot of internal politics going on when you are out at sea, there is no I quit half way though being literally mistreated by your superior but then again most of what I know is what I got from my sister who also told the story from the perspective of

drum roll please...

being a victim in all of this, it was the patriarchy.

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