
@leespringfield1903 what kind of fake and gay jew concocted story is this. Jew propaganda at work here.

@37712 @leespringfield1903 who reads this and thinks, yup those gay ass faggot Russians are at it again...

Especially when you look at the Uke "Leaders" versus The Rus... Uke flag is 4 colors away from complete honesty.
@VIcFury @37712 @leespringfield1903 "Hamas shot an settler woman in the head while raping her."

"The Taliban is killing Afghan women and having sex with their corpses."

"Russians are buggering Ukrainian men in wartime."

I am once again asking kikes to please stop injecting their personal rape and snuff porn fetishes into invented agitprop
@TrevorGoodchild @VIcFury @37712 @leespringfield1903 I could buy Hamas and Taliban rape stories since they'll fuck anything with a pulse that doesn't fight back too much, but gay Russian soldiers running around buttfucking Ukrainians? Get da fuck outta here.

Besides, jews got no room to talk with their IDF posthumous jackoff machines.
@TrevorGoodchild @VIcFury @37712 @leespringfield1903 Would they be jews if they could pass such a complex (for their defective brains) task?

@TrevorGoodchild @37712 @leespringfield1903 The Stalags’ popularity cannot be overstated. The most popular title, Stalag 13, sold 25,000 copies to a population the size of today’s Tel Aviv, which is a whopping market penetration. Also, Stalags were the top reading material for 18-year old Israeli boys in 1963, according to a Hebrew University survey.

@VIcFury @TrevorGoodchild @37712 Bibi most likely never got into this stuff, since he grew up in America.

I wonder though if Ben Gvir, that fat pigdog, is into some Nazi Aryan Kween beating his ass. Since he is a loud mouth fatass that talks too much of a big game, but doesn't like have a military record to him, that I know of.
@VIcFury @TrevorGoodchild @37712 @leespringfield1903 These stalag things probably inspired them to greater heights of holocaust myths, right?
What if we made Holocaust Revision porn? Like, the story would involve a Jew being strapped down Clockwork Orange style and be exposed to actual real life facts. Then he would have to break down and cry and admit it was bullshit and then maybe he gets a blowie, or something.
So it would have all the Nazi fetish stuff in there that they like - but they would be forced to read the truth while they are being aroused.

@C_J_S @TrevorGoodchild @37712 @leespringfield1903 they crave all punishment... no mater how you crafted the story, more than a few of them cunts would be into it.

@VIcFury @TrevorGoodchild @37712 @leespringfield1903 This cheapens the holocaust story, it's tantamount to heresy for the new religion. Today it would actually fly better, since they have the foundation laid, but back then it was all too fresh to risk.

Got to have everybody on the same page while you're forging a religious myth about the holocasut

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