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Karuros boosted
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Karuros boosted

@Terry ok Terry that's enough wifejacks for one day, u need to put down the phone and go touch some grass my firend

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Karuros boosted

@LadyMont @polarisera

Also Islam was rights about women and niggers do most of the rapping not whites.

@LadyMont @polarisera

Stupid shit like this is why we should have never given women rights, it was a mistake. Repeal the 19th, stupid women can't figure out that without men society would crumble and women would die as they are i capable of providing for themselves.

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Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted

@Justicar study also finds that you are a dumb gullible nigger. Study made by feminist childless women also finds that smart and rich Chad's want old, fat and strong independent feminist women who would have thought, what a surprise right?

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