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Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Modern human species have existed for at least 300,000 years. It's been 10,000-12,000 years since blond hair and blue eyes suddenly appeared. What have we forgotten?
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted

Having the FBI adopt a reporting system that is pretty much impossible for local police to participate in is a great strategy for reducing the murder rate in FBI crime stats.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.