Women get a $6,095 scholarship for FREE EVERY YEAR to go to school and they still have the most debt?!

i busted my ASS to get my scholarships and it didn't add up to even close to that amount.


Source: freegrantsforwomen.org/pell-gr


@basedbagel it's always optional for women to work, men however MUST work... For our own good. There're people that will save women but almost all the time. There is noone to save you but only you. It's good if you think about it. Females with high income can shit on working class men but none of want even come close to working like that, which is back bone of our society.

@AKIdreadRAK Well said. I gotta say I wasn't ever really angry before I was just talking shit.

Hearing that shit fucked up my stoicism HARD.

Imagine you spend your life trying to climb a mountain and you finally get to the top.

Then some dickhead gets flown to the peak and everyone is praising them for their hard work.

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