@LysanderMooner Yes and no. Firstly, evolution isn't a "theory", it's a fact, like gravity. The theory (or scientific theory to be precise) is the explanation of how it works. Secondly, Darwin didn't discover evolution, humans already knew about it at least since Ancient Greece.

Was Darwin dEbUnKeD? Most of his findings on the mechanisms behind evolution remain true (like natural selection) but he didn't even know about genes back then, some of his assumptions have obviously been proven false.


@LysanderMooner We have already discovered that evolution isn't 100% random. Things like "genetic memory" seem to have an impact on it as well.

That's all this debate is. It has nothing to do with religion, or Atheism vs Jewish scripture. But yes, the universe is intelligently designed. You don't even need to look at evolution to see it. The Laws of Physics themselves, or the structure of an atom are already proof that the universe isn't chaotic, there is logic in it.

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