@matty Don't we all have a subconscious desire to defy the norm and test the limits, even if there's no personal benefit involved?

Unless we built something ourselves, it's not exactly unusual to want to tear it down. That's not a problem, it's how animals shit test each other.
The problem is exactly the opposite, the weakness, the complacency, the desire for stability/peace/comfort even if the whole structure is corrupt.

We actually need more people willing to tear it all down.

Thank you uh "based accelerationist". Tell me, how do you expect your political ideology to fill the power vacuum when it all comes down?
@matty @Based_Accelerationist he hasn't even read industrial society and its future, oh sweetie

@dictatordave @matty Nor have I read the Torah and Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto. Only sheep trade arguments for book quotes.

@Based_Accelerationist @matty well, nigger, i was pointing out how professor ted points out that you need to focus on after the revolution rather than just the revolution since it'll be fast and what happens afterward is more important, but what the fuck would i know

i was simply employing an old meme to make a joke, but lets get serious so you can demonstrate how you're some johnny come lately fucktard to the 'truthers community' and you dont know a thing and are big mad about the shit a bunch of us have known was going on for a decade at least

ps, kys, faggot

@dictatordave @matty Didn't get it and I don't care about hurt egos.
Anyway, it's precisely because I'm thinking long term, that I'm focusing on the people who make the transition over the system they create. Laws and words are only worth as much as you.

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