As anyone with a working brain foresaw, the zionist "Populist Right" is being allowed to gain momentum in Europe, in an attempt to appease the masses and promote nationalism before it's time to fight WW3. Of course the controlled opposition like Info Wars will tell you "we're winning!".

Make no mistake, Trump will be president again. And no, he won't be assassinated (lol). There's also zero risk of an actual civil war happening, even if Trump died, at most you'd see a bigger J6 false flag.

@Based_Accelerationist They Will be a Hollywood movie set this August 4th in Ohio were they Will film a scene to the whole world to watch were Donald Trump Will be shoot in the head (Fake) declare death but return anyway to get elected this electection.

They will blame Barack Obama cause that day is his birthday.


@VeganMGTOW I could see them stage some sort of attack to make Trump look even more like a rebel, although I sincerely doubt they would go for that very colorful scenario of him getting shot in the head and being reborn again. If that happens though, then we'll truly be in the clown world dimension.

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