Another goal with the latest EU theater was to undermine national elections and make Europeans think of the EU as the main political entity. This is why leaders like Macron were told to call for snap elections, so people see that there are consequences (even if they ultimately don't really matter). The idea is to increasingly shift the focus away from national politics.

It feels strange contemplating the "Cathedral's" long-term plans, when none of this would matter if Russia just did the thing.


@Indignation He knows his audience. They'll literally tell you that, even though you're right, you need to shut up because you're undermining hope. These people make money selling hopium and playing to their base. Nothing meaningful happened in Europe, but they'll sell it as this huge win.
PJW prefers to cover Muslim migrants and other lowbrow topics that get views. According to Alex, he's a monarchist, which tells me he's in those British clubs that think they have claim to land/power.

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