TFM is wrong when he says the "Cathedral" isn't scared of white nationalism. They're so scared, they don't even allow it and any such group is quickly infiltrated and dealt with. And I'm saying this as someone who has no allegiance to any skin color nor respect for what most white people have become.

Now don't mistake "white nationalism" for "Christ is King" controlled opposition groups, even though zionist agents like Halsey love to draw everyone's attention to the latter, to play the victim.

@Based_Accelerationist Who's TFM? But you are right good and proper WNs are ZOG's main foe, AF is glowed to shit so it serves that purpose too even asides making us look like idiots.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Turd Flinging Monkey, he's a content creator that started as a part of the manosphere/mgtow but now focuses more on covering geopolitics/economics. He's pretty good, I highly recommend his channel, but you can't be averse to topics revolving around sex dolls and such, because those also come up often.

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