All of you who actually think Trump dodged a bullet and who refuse to even question it, this is what you look like to me, because this whole narrative is a joke and if you buy into it, then so are you:

All we gotta do is wait.
If it was a real assassination attempt, they will try again and succeed. There's no reason to give up at all.
If it was a gay op, the jews will line up behind trump and prepare west israel for the draft while he is effortlessly given the presidency.

The fact he got JD Vance, a literal ZOGbot as VP and wants to put Jamie Dimon as treasury secretary, proves shit is fucked.
Reminder: Jamie Dimon was HILLARY's prefered secretary.


@Zeb Exactly, even if they don't kill him, they should be able to visibly harm Trump in a way that can't be easily faked. Trump is one of the easiest targets they could ever hope for, he will surround himself with the deep state, he will remain peaceful, keep attending his rallies and even go to jail if asked to.

But anyone who's honest, knows this is probably a gayop.

Meanwhile the controlled opposition will straw man our claims and pretend we're saying all assassination attempts are fake.

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The interesting part is, even if they kill trump now, israel would win anyway with the vance zogbot.

The west has already fallen. People just don't know it yet.

@Zeb Israel will win that regardless, there isn't a single bone in America that isn't zionist, from the Judeo-Christian masses to their politicians. Ironically it's the average random leftist that isn't as bad on that regard, even if they embody Jewish trickery (communism and feminism).

But Vance doesn't have the charisma nor the cult following necessary to drag Americans into WW3. Only Trump can do it and they sure are turning him into a messiah.

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